The Most Unlikely Fashionista

An upfront apology about using the word “fashionista.”  I cringed when I wrote it, but then it seemed inauthentic to remove it.  So there you go.

Ok.  Back before I got sick, I had some plans to do some cool things.  The thing I was probably most excited about was starting gymnastics training again.  Unfortunately, illness struck, and the rest is… well, it’s my life.  Gymnastics is not in my forseeable future.

That said, I stand by what I said in that post that it’s never too late.  You’re never too old to learn something new.  I thought about what I could be doing with my time while relatively physically inactive, and it dawned on me that I’ve always wanted to learn to sew–I just never had time to devote to it.  I mustered up the courage to go to a beginning sewing class before I left Denver back in September, and I fell in love with it.  I made a silly little tote bag that I continue to carry around as my purse, despite its less-than-beautiful construction.  

Then a friend of the family gifted me the most beautiful quilt I’ve ever seen as a get well present.  It truly is the perfect thing when I’m feeling crappy and all I can do is curl up on the couch.  I get cold and lonely, and I’ve never met a more loyal friend than a warm blanket (no offense to the dog, but loyal and snuggly as she is, the blanket is far less squirmy).  I thought, since I’m learning to sew, I can probably learn to quilt at some point.  I looked up some tutorials online, and started making rag quilts ASAP.  I’ve made two that I’ve already given to friends, and I have three more in the works for my in-laws.  I’m going to open an Etsy store.  Why not?  Even if I don’t sell anything, it’s something to do and work towards.  


I sort of became obsessed with Project Runway.  I’d never really been interested before I started sewing, but now I can kind-of-relate to what they’re doing and how difficult it is.  Of course, I’m still a goofy beginner and I don’t know much about design, but I love watching.  I’ve found it to be inspiring.  

As a result, I’ve caught myself looking at fashion magazines.  I’ve found myself interested in window shopping.  I pay attention to what the stars are wearing on red carpets, and I even have a few “Style Icons” of my own.



How did this happen??

I grew up really not giving a rat’s ass about fashion.  My mom is in the industry and put a lot of pressure on me to be beautiful and perfect.  As a result, I took the rebellious way out and decided on the path of least resistance and most comfort at all times.  Left to my own devices, I made some interesting and unusual fashion choices (mostly backed with the defense of “I don’t care what other people think about me”… News flash: I did.  A Lot), but to be completely honest, my mother has bought me most of my clothes.  I’ll get one or two things as gifts for birthdays and Christmases, and I keep them FOREVER.  I still have clothes from middle school.  I still have a pair of shoes my BFF gave me when we were eleven (yes they still fit me and yes I sometimes still wear them).

Clinton and Stacy would have a fit.

This is why, at the ripe old age of 32, I am shocked at my sudden interest in fashion and ways to express oneself via clothing.  Maybe I really was just rebelling against my mom and now I’m over it.  Maybe I didn’t feel like I deserved to look good.  Maybe I was afraid of stepping outside my comfort zone.  If I had to guess, I’d think it was all of the above.  In any event, I’m excited about putting together a wardrobe of new mixed with old and combining it in a way that helps me look put together (especially when I don’t feel at all put together) and also gives the world a little taste about who I am.

But I’m not stopping there.  I want to make my own clothes.  I want to design stuff.  Create stuff.  Make something out of nothing.  I need to take more sewing classes, obviously, but I am so inspired right now, it just seems absurd to stop.  

Have you ever been inspired to do something that surprised you?  How did it turn out?

(Taylor Swift photo credit:  Zooey Deschanel photo credit: